Welcome to Unpack It

Bringing you stories on culture and identity

A place to find articles you can learn from, relate to, or find advice in. Unpack It provides insight on how cultural trends affect the world and people of today, with a touch of historical context.

Notting Hill Carnival

Notting Hill Carnival is the largest street carnival in Europe with 1-2 million people joining the carnival over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Although this year the event had to…

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How to Respond to a Racist Joke

Ever been in a situation where someone tells a racist joke? Did you find it inappropriate yet kept quiet because you didn't know how to address it? Did you instead…

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Braids and Cultural Appropriation

Over the past few decades we have seen white women fashion braids and cornrows, particularly within the celebrity world as the media praises their looks. However, this has also sparked…

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The Deep Rooted Racism Behind Blackface

Although widely regarded as inappropriate, blackface is used in contemporary society by those who think it's harmless and a bit of fun. Some may be completely ignorant to the insensitivity…

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